FFECC Contract Update
Dear fellow members:
The proposed Faculty Federation contract was ratified yesterday at a special meeting of the membership as per our Constitution. The vote was 245 in favor, 48 opposed. The election was certified by the FFECC Elections Committee, Kimberli Cruell-Munn, Chair.
Thank you to everyone who attended, discussed, and voted yesterday, and to all FFECC members who offered their questions and concerns and contributed their time and expertise over the past six years to make this happen. This has been a difficult six years - now we can focus all our energies on moving the institution forward and running the best college possible for our students.
In solidarity,
Your FFECC Negotiations and Leadership Teams:
Andrew Sako, President, Chief Negotiator, FFECC Patricia Kaiser, VP City, Negotiations Team Adrian R. Ranic, VP North Michael Higgins, VP South Diane Zych, Negotiations Team, North Jason Januszkiewicz, Negotiations Team, South Denise Crowden, Secretary Kristin Kozlowski, Treasurer Michael Delaney, Grievance Chair, Negotiations Team
Christine Dehoff, Negotiations Team (retired)
Gene Grabiner, Negotiaitions Team (retired)