FFECC campus meetings to be held on 10/23 and 10/24

Hello FFECC members,
Please join FFECC leadership at the following meetings scheduled this week to discuss ongoing contract negotiations.
Wednesday, October 23rd (3-4pm) City campus - room 420
Thursday, October 24th (12-1pm) North campus - room B401
Thursday, October 24th (3-4pm) South campus - room 5101
Thank you,
Your FFECC Leadership team,
Andrew Sako, President
sakoad@ecc.edu 851-1026
Angela Crocker, VP City
crockera@ecc.edu 270-5275
Michael Kozlowski, VP North
kozlowski@ecc.edu 851-1537
James Ruggiero, VP South
ruggiero@ecc.edu 851-1770
Joan Bukowski, Grievance Chair bukowskij@ecc.edu 851-1522
Jacqui Bollinger, Secretary bollinger@ecc.edu 270-2981
Melissa Dennee, Treasurer denneem@ecc.edu 851-1082