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Spring 2022 FFECC Call for Nominations

The Elections Committee of FFECC requests nominations for the following positions:

Grievance Committee - Six (6) members will be elected, consisting of two (2) representatives from each campus. The term is for two (2) years. The committee shall meet at least once per month, shall publish all settlements made, make reports to the Executive Council for submission to the membership on a regular basis, and file copies of minutes, reports, etc., with the Federation Secretary. The committee manages all FFECC grievances.

Auxiliary Services Corporation Representatives to the ASC Board- Two (2) representatives to be elected, one (1) representative from north and one (1) from south. The term is for two (2) years. The Auxiliary Services Corporation is a non-profit corporation separate from the College which manages the college bookstores and food services, among other functions.

College Leaves Committee- Seven (7) representatives, at least one (1) representative from each campus, will be elected. The term is for one (1) year. The Leaves Committee approves and communicates proposed leaves of absence by FFECC members to College administration.

College Reappointments Committee- three (3) tenured/permanent members will be elected. The terms are two (2) years. One (1) member will be elected from each campus.

The College Reappointments Committee's only function is to review the evaluation process of any pre-tenure full-time member of the FFECC bargaining unit who is recommended for non-reappointment by their Unit on the basis of evaluations. The Committee's only task is to make sure that the contractual evaluation process was followed correctly, including improvement plan. This Committee has nothing to do with the individual Unit Reappointments Committees.

***Individuals interested in serving in these positions should notify the Elections Committee member on your campus no later than Friday, March 18, 2022. If you would like to nominate an individual, you must confirm that individual is willing to serve. Current office holders must re-nominate. Individuals may self-nominate in order to be on the ballot, or the term will end at the end of this academic year. Please do not submit a nomination without that person’s approval.

Elections Committee Members:

Denise Prince, City/Mathematics Department, 851-1047

Taheera Shaheed-Sonubi, South/Library, 851-1773

Greg Gillis, North/ Construction Tech Department, 851-1546

Kimberli Cruell-Munn, South/Counseling 270-5279


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