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General Membership meeting
The slides from our general membership meeting are available to view in the "members" section for those whom were unable to attend our...
FFECC Member message - Fact finding session letter
Fact finding session letter The FFECC leadership team met to begin the process of Impact Bargaining with the College on March 24 and met...
Letters of support for funding for a satellite South towns campus
March 28, 2022 Fellow FFECC members, Please find attached letters of support for funding for a satellite South towns campus. The proposal...
FFECC President's message - 3/17/22
March 17, 2022 Fellow FFECC members, Last week the President announced that the college has dire financial issues which require cutting...
FFECC President's message
March 1, 2022 Fellow FFECC members, The current crisis at SUNY Erie is now public, and evident to all, but the FFECC leadership has...
Spring 2022 FFECC Call for Nominations
The Elections Committee of FFECC requests nominations for the following positions: Grievance Committee - Six (6) members will be elected,...
Welcome new members
The FFECC welcomes all new hires for January 2022 FT: Gabrielle Damin Antoinette McNair PT: Katie Bryant Marissa Brzyski Carlton Cain...
In Memoriam
The FFECC wants to honor members we lost over the past few years. Cooper Lansing Marion Perry Nancy Hargrave Max Primack Tom Lembke Peter...
Seasonal celebration photos
Members enjoyed a great evening at our Seasonal celebration at Resurgence brewing
FFECC attends NYSUT community college conference
Members of the FFECC attend the NYSUT community college conference in Saratoga Springs over the 11/5-11/7/21 weekend. Pictured below...
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