Notice to staff regarding College/member retrenchment information
Fellow Members,
It is with deep disappointment that I inform our membership of the College’s decision to retrench some of our members. At yesterday’s meeting with the President and Provost, the FFECC was notified that ECC management has decided to eliminate positions within our bargaining unit. This means that FFECC members in the job titles identified by the college may be notified that they are being retrenched.
The college is required to notify effected members of their position being eliminated. These members are entitled to notification by certified mail thirty (30) days before the date of retrenchment. The process for retrenchment is contained in Article 32 of the FFECC contract.
Here is some information in the event you are notified that you are being retrenched:
If you believe that the college has not followed the provisions of Article 32 in identifying you as the person to be retrenched, you should contact your FFECC campus Vice President: City: Patricia Kaiser, North: Michael Kozlowski, South: James Ruggiero, Please know that any challenge to the college’s decision to retrench you must be filed within 30 days of when you receive notice in order to be considered timely.
You can file for unemployment benefits here: File Your First Claim for Benefits | Department of Labor (
If you are currently enrolled in the college’s health insurance plan, you will receive information from the college about how to continue in the plan after layoff. You will receive information about continuation under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) which will detail how to apply for and pay for continued coverage.
You should remember to keep the college and FFECC informed of any change in your contact information after you are retrenched. Changes to your mailing address, telephone number and email should be communicated to the college and the FFECC as soon as possible so that you can ensure accurate information about any recall rights you may have. I have included the recall language contained in our contract for each employment category. The FFECC will be vigilant monitoring the recall process for retrenched members.
Non-Teaching Professionals
Recall List: Tenured retrenched Non-Teaching Professionals shall be placed on a recall list for six (6) years (non-tenured - three (3) years) from the date of retrenchment. b. Procedure: If a vacancy occurs which the Employer wishes to fill, retrenched Non-Teaching Professionals who held at the time of their retrenchment a position in the same academic unit and the same or higher rank as the vacancy to be filled, and who appear on the recall list, shall have the right to be recalled to said position in order of greatest seniority. Non-Teaching Professionals who are so recalled shall be place, if they so desire, at the rank (job group) assigned to such vacancy but at the same salary step (increment) they would have enjoyed at the time of retrenchment and shall retain tenure. If retrenched Non-Teaching Professionals do not desire said vacant position, they will continue their position and rights on the recall list until a satisfactory position becomes available. c. If such recall is to a lower rank position (job group) each Non-Teaching Professional shall continue to be eligible for recall to a permanent vacancy in the same academic unit and rank he/she held at the time of his/her retrenchment if he/she is qualified to perform the duties assigned to such vacancy. Non-Teaching Professionals who are so recalled shall be placed at the same salary step (increment) they would have enjoyed at the time of retrenchment and shall retain tenure/permanent appointment.
Non-Teaching Technical Professionals
Recall List: Non-Teaching Technical Professionals shall be placed on a recall list for six (6) years (probationary - three (3) years) from the date of retrenchment. b. Procedure: If a vacancy occurs, which the Employer wishes to fill, the President or his/her designee and the President of the Federation or his/her designee shall review the qualifications of the most senior Non-Teaching Technical Professional who is on layoff. If such Non-Teaching Technical Professional meets the minimum requirements described in (c) above, the Non-Teaching Technical Professional shall be recalled to the vacant position. If none of the Non-Teaching Technical Professionals on layoff meet the minimum qualifications of the vacancy, the College may hire from outside the College.
If any recalled Non-Teaching Technical Professional does not desire to be recalled to a vacant position, they will retain their position and rights on the recall list until a satisfactory position becomes available or the placement on the recall list expires.
Teaching Faculty
Recall List: Tenured retrenched faculty appointment shall be placed on a recall list for six (6) years (non-tenured - three (3) years) from the date of retrenchment. Permanent non- teaching technical professional appointment shall be placed on a recall list for six (6) years (probationary - three (3) years) from the date of retrenchment. If such Faculty are competitive class employees, their inclusion into the bargaining unit shall be negotiated. b. Procedure: If a vacancy occurs which the Employer wishes to fill, retrenched Faculty who held at the time of their retrenchment a position in the same academic unit and the same or higher rank as the vacancy to be filled, and who appear on the recall list, shall have the right to be recalled to said position in order of greatest seniority. Faculty who are so recalled shall be placed, if they so desire, at the rank (job group) assigned to such vacancy but at the same salary step (increment) they would have enjoyed at the time of retrenchment and shall retain tenure. If retrenched Faculty do not desire said vacant position, they will continue their position and rights on the recall list until a satisfactory position becomes available. If such recall is to a lower rank position (job group) each Faculty member shall continue to be eligible for recall to a permanent vacancy in the same academic unit and rank, he/she held at the time of his/her retrenchment if he/she is qualified to teach the courses assigned to such vacancy. Faculty who are so recalled shall be placed at the same salary step (increment) they would have enjoyed at the time of retrenchment and shall retain tenure/permanent appointment.
Please know that the FFECC leadership team is working to minimize the effects of these actions within our membership. We recognize that this is a difficult time for all. Please know that we are here to help as you navigate through this process.
In Solidarity,
Andrew Sako, FFECC President
Patricia Kaiser, Vice President, City
Michael Kozlowski, Vice President, North
James Ruggiero, Vice President, South
Kristin Kozlowski, Treasurer
Jacqueline Bollinger, Secretary