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FFECC - Call for Nominations for the Negotiations Committee election

The Elections Committee of FFECC requests nominations for the following positions:

To be elected in anticipation of negotiations during the Spring 2020 semester with College management for a successor to the current 2009 – 2020 FFECC contract:

Three (3) FFECC members (one from each campus) for the FFECC Negotiations Committee.

Committee Responsibilities: Participants survey other FFECC members about their contractual priorities, meet with constituent groups, engage in the planning of negotiation proposals and sessions, attend negotiation sessions with College management under the leadership of of FFECC President (chief negotiator) and NYSUT Labor Relations Specialist, and assist with membership and Executive Council communication. Each position includes 6 hours of reassigned time per semester.

Individuals interested in serving in these positions should notify the Elections Committee member on your campus no later than Friday, December 13, 2019. If you would like to nominate an individual, you must confirm that individual is willing to serve. Individuals may self-nominate in order to be on the ballot. Please do not submit a nomination without that person’s approval.

Elections Committee Members:

Denise Prince, City/Mathematics Department, 851-1047

Taheera Shaheed-Sonubi, South/Library, 851-1773

Greg Gillis, North/ Construction Tech Department, 851-1546

Kimberli Cruell-Munn, South/Counseling 270-5279

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